Graduate Student Supervision
The following are MSc and PhD students I am or was the primary supervisor. Note that I also sit on graduate committees and supervise MPH, MOEH, DVM, and BSc students.
Current Students
Dr. Cassandra Andrew, DVM
PhD Candidate, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia
Project: Avian influenza in wild birds and small poultry flocks in British Columbia and Yukon.
Dr. Ellen Boyd, DVM
PhD Candidate, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia
Project: Epidemiology of Salmonella Dublin in BC dairy cattle.
Dr. Hezy Anholt, DVM
PhD Candidate, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia
Project: A One Health approach to monitoring and mitigating African trypanosomiasis in Malawi.
Past Students
Dr. Michael Lee, MSc, PhD
MSc and PhD, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia
Project: VanRAP: Developing a program to track, address, and prevent rat infestations in the City of Vancouver (PhD) and The impacts of rodent control techniques on rat-borne zoonotic pathogens (MSc).
Current Position: Environmental Epidemiologist, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
Dr. Michelle Coombe, DVM PhD
PhD, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia
Project: Muddy molecules for pandemic protection: using environmental sampling for the surveillance of avian influenza in wild waterfowl.
Current Position: Epidemiologist, British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture
Dr. Kaylee Byers, MSc, PhD
PhD Candidate, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of British Columbia
Project: Rats as a source for emerging zoonoses: Understanding the interactions between rats, parasites, and pathogens.
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of British Columbia