Graduate Student Supervision

The following are MSc and PhD students I am or was the primary supervisor. Note that I also sit on graduate committees and supervise MPH, MOEH, DVM, and BSc students.

Current Students

  • Dr. Cassandra Andrew, DVM

    PhD Candidate, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia

    Project: Avian influenza in wild birds and small poultry flocks in British Columbia and Yukon.

  • Dr. Ellen Boyd, DVM

    PhD Candidate, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia

    Project: Epidemiology of Salmonella Dublin in BC dairy cattle.

  • Dr. Hezy Anholt, DVM

    PhD Candidate, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia

    Project: A One Health approach to monitoring and mitigating African trypanosomiasis in Malawi.

Past Students

  • Dr. Michael Lee, MSc, PhD

    MSc and PhD, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia

    Project: VanRAP: Developing a program to track, address, and prevent rat infestations in the City of Vancouver (PhD) and The impacts of rodent control techniques on rat-borne zoonotic pathogens (MSc).

    Current Position: Environmental Epidemiologist, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control

  • Dr. Michelle Coombe, DVM PhD

    PhD, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia

    Project: Muddy molecules for pandemic protection: using environmental sampling for the surveillance of avian influenza in wild waterfowl.

    Current Position: Epidemiologist, British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture

  • Dr. Kaylee Byers, MSc, PhD

    PhD Candidate, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of British Columbia

    Project: Rats as a source for emerging zoonoses: Understanding the interactions between rats, parasites, and pathogens.

    Current Position: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of British Columbia